Latest Members

Latest Shields

ElPresidente West added a shield for sale.
Hurricane with EGO 1627
Hurricane II D
satya56 added a shield for sale.
Rhino with EGO 5000
Rhino IV EX
satya56 added a shield for sale.
Ironclad with EGO 5000
Ironclad Reloader IV EX
satya56 added a shield for sale.
Ironclad with EGO 5000
Ironclad IV EX
satya56 added a shield for sale.
Rhino with EGO 5000
Rhino IV ARK
satya56 added a shield for sale.
Respark with EGO 5000
Respark Energizer III DX
BilalRoache added a shield for sale or trade.
Respark with EGO 4600
Respark Regenerator III DX
BilalRoache added a shield for sale or trade.
Hurricane with EGO 4911
Hurricane Regenerator
simmatosan added a shield for sale or trade.
Rebel with EGO 2854
Rebel Grenadier III DX
simmatosan added a shield for sale or trade.
Ironclad with EGO 1751
Ironclad Contender II D

Latest Weapons

ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Sub-Machine Gun with EGO 4763
VOT Tachmag Pulser
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Combat Shotgun with EGO 3818
VBI PAS-24 Tornado (Survivalist)
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Sub-Machine Gun with EGO 3719
FRC Nomad SMG (Stalker)
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Pump Shotgun with EGO 1793
FRC Heavy Scattergun (Survivalist)
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Rocket Launcher with EGO 1740
VOT Longshot Cannon (Survivalist)
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Pistol with EGO 1653
VBI HP-6 Wolfhound (Quartermaster)
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Infector with EGO 1617
FRC Incubator (Cannoneer)
ElPresidente West added a weapon for sale or trade.
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle with EGO 1554
VBI BAS-7 Derailer (Grenadier)
satya56 added a weapon for sale.
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 5000
VBI PSR-7 Cyclone (Machinist)
satya56 added a weapon for sale.
Pump Shotgun with EGO 5000
VOT Fragger (Run-n-Gun)

Latest Mods

ElPresidente West added a mod for sale or trade.
Shot Pod III (Prepared)
ElPresidente West added a mod for sale or trade.
ElPresidente West added a mod for sale.
Power Muzzle II (Scavenger)
ElPresidente West added a mod for sale or trade.
ElPresidente West added a mod for sale.
ElPresidente West added a mod for sale.
Assault Scope II (Scavenger)
Eizel Spock added a mod for sale or trade.
Eizel Spock added a mod for sale or trade.
Eizel Spock added a mod for sale or trade.
simmatosan added a mod for sale or trade.

Latest Photos

Latest Videos

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by clubside

Do the dance for me, bay-bee! I love the incidental animations on enemies, such as the Blacklung here pumping his weapon above his head before I take him down. Extra props for the ragdoll death lol

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by Ambassador Skye

Finally got my 2000 EGO on Xbox 360. Haven't decided on celebration purchase but with upcoming key price change better get while the getting's good!

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by Ambassador Skye

Here's a perfect example of why the new contract system sucks. The story mission here is fun because of the pulverizer but redoing it is boring except for the Raiders v. Hellbugs part.

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by Ambassador Joi

Finally got my 2000 EGO on PS3. Celebrated with 10 T3 lockboxes. Pulled a Legendary Cluster Shot woo hoo!

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by Ambassador Joi

Despite the initial humor in Defiance's ode to Golden Axe I'm really sick of these things popping up in Mount Tam and disrupting half (or nearly) finished encounters.

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by Ambassador Joi

Another daily contract, another bored response... but I stop running over people for the finale since someone else showed up.

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by Ambassador Joi

Just the joy of an exploding Hellbug boss, no more, no less, no Syphon disintegration lol

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by Ambassador Joi

I continue to hate the new contract system which forces us to redo many lousy and/or boring missions rather than the previous freeform contracts so this one I tried running over as many Raiders as possible rather than my usual approach.

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by Knights

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Cyborg Superman

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by Ambassador Joi

Let's face it, I hate charge blades and wish they were never added to the game. But getting past that sentiment here's a reason they are a problem: dude destroys ark fragment with damage spike + blur + charge blade in 15 seconds.

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by Ambassador Joi

Decided to take a break and do a side mission and there's a Raider Roadblock in the way! Not wanting to deal with them I basically run them all over then proceed to slag some hellbugs. Not seen: the major arkbreak nearby that I dare no try to enter as I'm always disconnected :(

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by Ambassador Joi

Here's the final part of a Scrapper Major Arkfall. Hey, I just like the way these final bosses render in! First one that has taken more than a first pass to beat in a while, not enough people I guess lol

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by Ambassador Joi

Here's a mission I never would re-do, except with the lousy new contract system here I am. Luckily a bunch of other people showed up to take the edge off.