Vo Kshaa

Server: PC NA

Account: Keeper Riff

Last Login: 2/5/2025 11:53:36 AM

Vo Kshaa added a weapon to inventory.
Pump Shotgun with EGO 5000
Volge Breacher (Outlaw)
Vo Kshaa added a shield to inventory.
Ironclad with EGO 5000
Ironclad Charger V ARK
Vo Kshaa added a shield to inventory.
Respark with EGO 5000
Respark Regenerator III DX
Vo Kshaa added a weapon to inventory.
Sub-Machine Gun with EGO 5000
VOT Pulser (Run-n-Gun)
Vo Kshaa added a weapon for sale or trade.
Sub-Machine Gun with EGO 5000
VOT Tachmag Pulser
Vo Kshaa added a weapon to inventory.
Sub-Machine Gun with EGO 5000
FRC Sub-Carbine (Hard-Boiled)
Vo Kshaa added a weapon for sale or trade.
Pump Shotgun with EGO 5000
FRC Scattergun (Run-n-Gun)
Vo Kshaa added a weapon to inventory.
Sawed-off Shotgun with EGO 5000
VBI SO-2 Courier (Run-n-Gun)
Vo Kshaa added a weapon to inventory.
Pistol with EGO 5000
VOT Blaster (Machinist)