Almighty Badassomness

Server: PC EU

Account: CaptainObvious

Last Login: 3/21/2016 4:13:27 AM

Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 78
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho (Prepared)
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 850
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 47
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 47
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 58
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 47
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 56
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 56
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 56
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 45
7th Legion Daicho
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 652
7th Legion Daicho
Pump Shotgun with EGO 4760
Castithan Sweeper (Rolling Thunder)
Assault Rifle with EGO 4900
VBI TACC Assault Rifle (Outlaw)
Assault Rifle with EGO 4900
VBI TACC Assault Rifle (Stalker)
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle with EGO 4900
'Headshot' Custom Bolter (Grenadier)
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 4743
VOT Surge Bolter (Cannoneer)
Rocket Launcher with EGO 4834
Precise Chaos (Assassin)
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle with EGO 4834
VBI PSR-7 Cyclone (Outlaw)
Pump Shotgun with EGO 4220
VOT Fragger (Rolling Thunder)
Infector with EGO 4734
VBI INF-27 Immunizer (Rolling Thunder)
Detonator with EGO 3656
FRC Big Boomer (Cannoneer)
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle with EGO 4834
VOT Bolter (Assassin)
Rocket Launcher with EGO 4834
FRC Sludge RL (Outlaw)
Pistol with EGO 4834
FRC Particle Ultimag (Rolling Thunder)
Sawed-off Shotgun with EGO 3763
Zagger (Assassin)
Pistol with EGO 4271
VOT Blaster (Outlaw)
Pistol with EGO 4518
VOT Blaster (Stalker)
Assault Rifle with EGO 4685
VBI Assault Rifle (Cannoneer)